


There are three stages of hair growth, and the rate at which hair grows varies depending on the individual (usually 2 - 3 weeks per stage) but in general, hair should be at least 1/4 inch into a stage of growth for the most thorough waxing. Following are several tips to insure that you get the most benefit from your waxing session, both before and after treatment:

Before You Arrive

  • For ladies: Due to hormonal fluctuations the week prior to and during your cycle causes hair to grow more quickly and can increase sensitivity to waxing. It is best to wax within the two weeks after you have completed your cycle.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine, alcohol or aspirin prior to your appointment. Each of these agents thin the blood and can increase skin sensitivity. Staying well hydrated before any skin procedure conditions the skin to be less reactive. 
  • Do not plan on exercising the day of waxing. Keeping your open follicles free from filling up with dirt, debris and/or oil will help to avoid any kind of breakout. 
  • Exfoliating prior to coming in is very helpful to achieving a thorough wax. It is also important that hair is no longer than 1 inch, so if you need to trim please do so prior to your visit. 
  • Some clients have suggested that taking ibuprofen within the hour before an appointment relieves pain. 
  • Users of the topical prescriptions Retin A, Renova, or Differin cannot receive facial waxing. These medications are designed to exfoliate the skin and may also weaken the skin, which could result in injury to the skin with waxing. Discontinue use of these prescriptions two weeks before waxing. 
  • Discontinue use of facial products containing alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) or glycolic 48 hours before waxing. 
  • Waxing is not recommended if you have taken the prescription Accutane within the last two years. 
  • The following medications may also cause increased skin sensitivity and could result in an adverse reaction to waxing: Antihistamines, Tetracycline, Cortisone, blood pressure medication, blood thinning medication, and thyroid medication. 
  • Waxing is not recommended to those who are or have taken antibiotics within the three weeks prior to waxing. 

After Waxing

  • Make sure you exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate, especially when the hair starts to return and keep the area moisturized and hydrated to help avoid ingrown hairs. If these do occur, I have a few options for ingrown hair creams at my salon which have proven to work wonderfully.
  • Avoid swimming in the lake or a swimming hole (Barton Springs pool) which is not chlorinated. You could be at risk for a staff infection, etc. while your follicles are still open and sensitive.
  • The beauty of waxing is that your hair growth returns thinner and sparser. The average return time for your next visit is generally every 4-6 weeks.

Laser Hair Removal

Preparation for laser treatments might vary depending on the skin condition to be treated, and comprehensive instructions will be sent after an initial consultation. In most cases the skin will be treated up to two weeks before surgery with gentle cleansers and moisturizers and post-op instructions specific to the treatment will be given after the treatment.

Before You Arrive

  • For ladies: As with waxing, it is recommended to schedule laser hair removal within the two weeks after the end of your cycle when skin is less sensitive and hair growth is lighter.
  • Do not wax or pluck hair from the root of the area to be lasered anytime 4-6 weeks before treatment.
  • Lasers work by sending energy to the hair follicle which then makes hair growth become dormant. In order for the laser to target the most energy to the follicle it is important that the area to be treated is shaved as closely as possible 1-3 days before treatment.

After Laser Hair Removal

  • Apply aloe vera or another sensitive moisturizer to the area for a few days to relieve any irritation to the surrounding area.
  • Treated hair will begin shedding within 1.5-3.5 weeks, and exfoliating or gently scrubbing the area can help speed the process. It might appear that hair is growing back in, but it is simply rising to the surface to shed.
  • You should remain relatively hair free for a number of weeks before hairs that were dormant before the laser treatment begin to grow. Generally 6-10 weeks is an appropriate amount of time to wait between laser treatments, and they can be continued until hair growth reaches your desired reduction or hairs become too fine for the laser to target.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Preparation for laser treatments might vary depending on the skin condition to be treated, and comprehensive instructions will be sent after an initial consultation. In most cases the skin will be treated up to two weeks before surgery with gentle cleansers and moisturizers and post-op instructions specific to the treatment will be given after the treatment.

Before You Arrive

  • Staying well hydrated before any skin procedure conditions the skin to be less reactive. 
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and anything that might irritate the area to be treated the week prior to your treatment. 

After Laser Treatment

  • It is vital that you stay out of the sun and avoid exposing treated areas to sunlight for up to 3 weeks.
  • Follow all post-op instructions given to you based on the laser treatment received. 

Facial and Skin Resurfacing (Peel)

While the Timeless Peel and Deep Sea Peel involve a two week preparation prior to treatment, other peels and facials involve basic preparation prior to your appointment.

Before You Arrive

  • Staying well hydrated before any skin procedure conditions the skin to be less reactive.

After Treatment

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Facials and peels purge the skin of impurities and will continue to do so as they promote new cell growth and remove dead layers of skin. Drink plenty of water to encourage this deep cleansing. 
  • Avoid sun exposure and wear sunscreen. With the skin stimulated to regenerate fresh skin cells it is best to stay in a healthy environment that won’t damage the new cells. Avoid excessive sun exposure and smoky air when possible. 
  • Peels can cause skin flake lightly as dead layers of skin come off. Lightly massaging the skin to exfoliate the cells will help speed the process of dead skin removal. Following up with a light moisturizer or lightly applying jojoba oil along with sunscreen will help keep the new skin hydrated.